Signed in Love


This time of love, unity and mutual trust, is in fact the most suitable time for formulating a mutual agreement. While Jewish tradition perceives marriage as a supreme value, it recognizes the possibility of a different reality that requires being prepared ahead of time. Signing the Tzohar Prenuptial Agreement constitutes a guarantee for separation proceedings that are fair.


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  • A social and spiritual innovation for couples in Israel
  • Based on values of equality and mutual respect
  • This agreement is both halachically sound and legally valid
  • Reduces distress and unnecessary expenses
  • Decreases the phenomena of "Get" (deed of divorce) refusals


Done With Love

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Dear Couples, the agreement before you is the fruit of many years of arduous work by the finest rabbis and lawyers, who have made every effort to ensure that each spouse has full confidence in their partner with whom you are building your home . May we all benefit from a life of love and respect.




Rabbi David Stav
Chairperson of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization

" The Tzohar Prenuptial Agreement is intended to guarantee that couples remain together out of choice, love and equality and not out of a lack of mutual respect. The Tzohar Prenuptial Agreement is signed before the wedding"

Have you signed the agreement?  Send it to us.
We will confirm that it has been signed correctly
and that the copy will be saved in our archives
while the two original copies you signed will remain in your hands.
Do you want to sign in front of our representatives?
Click here for a list of addresses.


The essence of the "Agreement of Love" is to aid the couple to behave with mutual fairness during situations of crisis and distrust. The fact that we do not doubt the stability of your marriage must be emphasized. The underlying reason for our recommendation to sign is that if we all sign the agreement, those couples facing a crisis and who require assistance will be equipped with an agreement that will aid their behavior during this time.
Proverbially – We all buckle up in a safety belt prior to a journey despite the fact that we hope that we will not be involved in an accident. If we knew for sure that an accident would take place during any given journey, we would most certainly forgo taking that journey. Nonetheless, we buckle up and travel knowing that if we all buckle up –those of us who need a safety belt will be strapped in. While a safety belt in the vehicle does not prevent accidents, it minimizes the damage. This also applies to this agreement – while it does not prevent crises, it does substantially minimize the damage if, Heaven forbid there is a crisis.
The Ketubah does not relate to a situation in which there is a 'refusal to provide a "Get" (deed of divorce)'. Sometimes, the husband or wife is not prepared to give/receive the "Get." "The Agreement of Love" solves this problem via a section that obligates the spouse refusing to give/receive the Get to increased alimony payments to their partner. In this situation, each of the parties undertakes to pay the other, should the former delay the "Get" and, in fact, forces him/her to choose between releasing the spouse and a high payment for stubbornness.
The agreement can be signed in two ways:
1. Download the agreement.
Both spouses sign two copies (one for each spouse), the signed copy must be sent to Tzohar.
2. To come to Tzohar offices in order to prepare the agreement.
"The Agreement of Love" imparts the spouses with a halachnic tool called 'increased alimony.' Signing the agreement especially now, when there is full trust between the spouses provides them with absolute security.
In contrast, premarital agreements deal with the manner of dividing the property in the event of separation. The "Agreement of Love" includes a section that suggests signing a premarital agreement regarding property as well as turning to an external arbitrator for settling all property issues between the spouses.
While there are other agreements that suggest arbitration between the spouses or agreements with other halachnic solutions, they are not accepted by the rabbinic authorities in the Orthodox Camp.
The spouses - Should the spouses fail to agree on the identity of an arbitrator, the Chairperson of the Bar Association or the Chairperson of Tzohar will choose an external arbitrator. When signing the "Agreement of Love," the spouses determine which of these two options they prefer for appointing an arbitrator.
Signing the agreement would increase your chances of living happily with the clear knowledge that you have protection even in the case of an unfavorable situation when a crisis in the marriage erupts. Furthermore, and this is a major point, you can be partners in a social revolution that would aid other couples, who may be more likely to require this agreement.
Signing the agreement prior to the marriage, when trust between the spouses is at a peak, is highly worthwhile . in any event, this agreement can be signed after the marriage as well.
Yes, at any time that you desire. It is also possible to sign a new agreement, which stipulates the annulment of a previous agreement.

TZOHAR works to guarantee that all Jews in Israel have a meaningful and positive, halachic Jewish wedding, starting with the technical stages of filling in the necessary forms and authorizations to the actual ceremony under the Chuppa.

Tzohar in Numbers


People married through Tzohar
during past year


People have married through Tzohar
since its establishment


volunteer rabbis who conduct
marriage ceremonies

Tzohar Prenuptial Agreement is dedicated to the memory of
The late Belda Kaufman Lindenbaum who worked assiduously at advancing the status of religious women. Her determination, faith and overpowering personality were the driving force for the establishment of leading institutions for Torah education of women out of a desire to empower them and advance them to involvement and stations of status in Orthodox Jewry. Passed away on 23 Iyyar, 5775 (May 15, 2015).
"Happy are we! How goodly is our portion, how pleasant our lot, how beautiful our inheritance!"



אחד משלנו-דבי ויהונתן

אחד משלנו-דבי ויהונתן

יהונתן בן 30 ודבי בת 28 דבי מעצבת פנים ויהונתן כלכלן גרים בתל אביב נישאו דרך ארגון רבני צהר אנחנו

קרא עוד ←
סרבן הגט האובססיבי – כך תפטרו ממנו

סרבן הגט האובססיבי – כך תפטרו ממנו

איך מזהים את המעגן האובססיבי? חשוב מכך, איך מטפלים בו? מה גורם לו לפעול בדרך כל כך לא רציונלית? עיגון

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כך תזהי סרבן גט

כך תזהי סרבן גט

מהו מניע את המעגן האובססיבי? מה גורם לו לפעול בדרך כל כך לא רציונלית? עיגון היא בעיה המעסיקה את עולם

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"מבחינתו, אם אני רוצה את החופש שלי-אני צריכה לשלם"

"מבחינתו, אם אני רוצה את החופש שלי-אני צריכה לשלם"

רווית הייתה נשואה בסך הכל חודש, עד שגילתה שבעלה מכור להימורים. ואף שוויתרה על הכל – הוא ממשיך לסחוט אותה

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גישור ומה שבניהם

גישור ומה שבניהם

עורך הדין חנן אדד מסביר על גישור, על הסכמים ועל הרצון לאיזון שדווקא מחריב את היחסים בין בני הזוג. האם ניתן

קרא עוד ←
נישואים חכמים

נישואים חכמים

ההחלטה להתחתן היא צעד משמעותי ומרגש. אבל היא למעשה רק צעד ראשון במסע משותף שמצפה לכם, מסע שמתחיל בכריתת ברית

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מה הן הטעויות הנפוצות ביותר שמבצעים זוגות בטרם נישואין? מה המחסום הפסיכולוגי לחתימה על הסכם קדם נישואין ומדוע אדם המוכן

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